In September, Pocket Rocket and the rest of her family went on holiday ...
Good morning, welcome to my caravan
Would you care to come in for a guided tour?
Are you ready for me yet? ...
This is where we keep our bedding
As you can see it's very comfortable.
This is where I have my breakfast, service is a little slow this morning
What's that they said on the news, didn't quite catch it, the FTSE going down?
Aye oop, what's going on outside
Meet the neighbours, morning all
This is where the big dogs have their breakfast, out in the van
and this is where the big dog's training kit is kept.
Doesn't everyone have a chest of drawers in their car?
Hang on a minute, I think that tuggy's mine
Hands off, it's definitely mine, let go
Ahh, sunshine, time to relax. Who's going for the ice cream?